Come check out our Kawartha Nordic branded merchandise; hoodies, long sleeves, tees, hats, toques, mugs and stickers. Everything is on display in the rental trailer. Members save 10%.
We've decided to not open the rental trailer on Sunday due to the impending storm and likely poor road conditions. See you Monday :)
UPDATE: too much snow!! Stop the snow dance. We're good. Unfortuately we need to cancel tonight's moonlight ski as the roads are in poor condition and not expecting to get any better any time soon. Hope to see you in March :)
Join us for a magical evening of skiing under the waning snow moon. Enjoy a hot chocolate, fire, and s’mores followed by an open-mic coffeehouse and social in the Woodfine Chalet.
Date: Sat Feb 15th.
Guided ski starts at 7pm. Social to follow.
Free for members. Non-members need an evening trail pass.
Rental trailer will be open if anyone needs to rent equipment.
Interested in helping out or showcasing your musical talents? Sign up on iVoluteer.
The annual Kawartha Invitational high-school race is open to teams from across Ontario, plus elementary-aged athletes accompanied by their parents. The race notice, registration and results are all available on
Maybe you'd like to support the club but don't have time to volunteer for events, perhaps you've got an item kicking around your house or garage that's exactly the thing that we'd need to purchase new. Maybe you'd be ok purchasing something and donating it to the club. Have a look at our list of things and either sign up for something that you can contribute or send an email and we can check it off the list. Thanks for your support.
Classic and skate ski lessons will be offered on Sundays in January and February. Is it time to hone up your skills? Then join a group ski lesson this winter! Book your lesson online or contact us at (705) 931-5672 or for information on private lessons.
Focused group session on nordic downhill technique will be held on January 19th and February 23rd at 1pm (for either classic or skate skiers)
Volunteer Day: 10am-4pm (potluck to follow). We're getting close to season opening (Yah!)....but there's still a lot to do around the club and we need your help!!! The iVolunteer portal has been updated so you can sign up for a task or 2 as well as the potluck. Maybe you want to help out in the morning and then go for a hike on one of the trails in the afternoon and return for a warm and cozy chili dinner in the chalet. Hope you can be part of our awesome community.